Category Archives: Link Love

Upcoming Travel + Link Love

I’m cuddled up on the couch with the family cats in Lakeland. I leave in a few days for Atlanta and am excited to spend some time in one of my favourite cities. After that, it’s back to Toronto for November and part of December. I’ll be going to holiday events (can you believe winter is coming?!), hanging out in the Distillery District, and catching up on the work Florida has distracted me from.

Link Love

Now, here’s some stuff I’ve found on the web for you:


Brilliant ways to track your travel. I love the charm bracelet idea!

What it’s like to visit a real paper town. If you’ve read Paper Towns or seen its film adaptation, you’ll find this article especially interesting.


What’s your morning routine?

The 3 easiest ways to discover your passions.

Being a Spoonie

Selena Gomez came out about having Lupus.

What to do if you’re considering going to the emergency room.

Where in the world are you, and what have you been reading?