Category Archives: Being a Digital Nomad

How To Do It All (Really!!)

You can do it all.

I know that sounds a little unrealistic: You have a business, a job, a social life, a family, some hobbies. Lots of responsibility. So little time. And, if you’re a regular at The Spoon In the Road, you probably have a disability. How are you supposed to juggle all this stuff? (I know my cane means literal juggling is out of the question for me!).

As a sufferer of ME (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), I have very few ‘good’ hours each day, before I have to rest. With so many things on my plate, how can I possibly get things done, and still have time for fun?

Enter How To Do It All: The Revolutionary Plan to Create a Full, Meaningful Life, by Linda Formichelli. Linda introduces the radical idea that a little stress is actually good for you. You have two choices: go through life as stress-free as possible, but have little in the way of memorable moments and funny stories to share. Or, set out to achieve something special, go on wild adventures, and just accept that stress is part of a life well-lived.

As spoonies, we’re already pretty well-acquainted with stress: We have to count our spoons, measure what little energy we have and make educated guesses about how tired and sore we’ll be tomorrow versus how happy and accomplished we’ll feel today.

In a way, we’re already living the “D.I.A.” lifestyle, without even knowing it.

How To Do It All offers concrete plans for making time and finding energy to do what’s important to you, explains how stress is actually your friend, and inspires you to go out and make your desires reality.

My only complaint about this book is that it doesn’t take into account that some of us don’t have 24 hours in a day (so to speak). While the average person can sleep 8 hours, work 8 hours, and spend the rest of their time on their goals, a spoonie needs to take things slower. We might not get through the entire book’s 12 desires within 12 months (as suggested in the book’s introduction). We simply can’t go at the same speed as our able-bodied counterparts, and that’s okay.


No matter your ability, you can do it all. Just go at your own pace, and enjoy the outcomes as well as the ride.

How to Do It All: The Revolutionary Plan to Create a Full, Meaningful Life — While Only Occasionally Wanting to Poke Your Eyes out with a Sharpie by Linda Formichelli is out now. Buy it in print or kindle here.

Full disclosure: I was a beta reader for this book and received a complimentary copy. However, this has not impacted my opinion.


What They Don’t Understand [As Told By Superstars in Gifs]

It takes hard work, just to stay afloat.

Running a business is hard. Having a disability is hard. Travelling while working or having a serious illness is hard. Doing all of the above at once? Nearly unheard of.

And yet, some of us do it.

It’s not always Instagram-worthy. But we trudge through the bad pain days, the emotionally and physically exhausting days knowing that the freedom of being a digital nomad and the satisfaction of fighting our illnesses is so worth it.

In the end, maybe the people who don’t understand (or don’t care to understand), the naysayers, the ableists and the haters don’t matter. Seeing the world and doing what you love? That’s what counts.

The Spoon In the Road

Fork in the road may refer to:
Fork (intersection), the point at which a road branches into two;
Fork in the road (metaphor), a metaphor, based on a literal expression, for a deciding moment in life or history when a major choice of options is required

Dragging my too-heavy luggage as I tried desperately to ignore the throbbing pain throughout my body, I came to a fork in the road. Two options, both terrifying, loomed before me. I popped a couple Tylenol, hoping they’d take the edge off, and considered my choices:

1, I could give in to my illnesses, lay on a couch and mope all my life. I could forget all my aspirations and plans, because that was easier than facing my new identity as a spoonie. Or…

2, I could persevere. Somehow, someway, I could push through the relentless pain and fatigue, make goals (and reach them), and live the life of my dreams.

If you’re here, you’re probably a spoonie, and you’re probably sick of being told (by yourself, others or your illness) that you can’t travel, can’t run a business, can’t do what makes you happy, because you’re sick. Most of all, you’re probably of sick of your illness dictating what you can and cannot do.

Since beginning my journey as a spoonie who lives a happy, fulfilled and as-healthy-as-possible life, I’ve learned something life-changing: You can’t change your illness, but you can change how you live with it. You can work around it!

You might be stuck with antidepressants, a cane, a CPAP machine, or whatever, all your life, but your medical condition and the arrangements or aides it requires has no bearing on whether you can live the life you imagine. I’m living proof.

Welcome to The Spoon In the Road.